Friday, January 17, 2014

Party Chips

At a neighborhood Christmas party, I ate the best chips I ever had in my life.  I could not stop eating them and it was a little embarrassing.  Fortunately, the hostess, who made them, graciously shared the method with me as she carved a ham, found more napkins, and otherwise tried to host a party with me begging at her elbow.

I don't know the name for these chips and I don't know exact amounts.  However, all the elements are delicious, so I eyeballed it when I re-created it at home and it was wonderful.

Spread ruffled chips on a baking sheet.

Mix together room temperature blue cheese, cream cheese (I used slightly more blue cheese) and a splash of cream until it's the texture of yogurt and you can dollop it over the chips.

Here the hostess told me to bake the chips/cheese at 400 until they're hot, but I'm not sure that does much flavor or texture wise.

Then, sprinkle the chips/cheese with chopped fresh rosemary and chopped toasted walnuts. Drizzle with balsamic reduction.  You can buy this (she waved the bottle at me) or you can just boil down some balsamic vinegar until it's syrupy.  But be careful:  mine went a little too far and started to turn into candy.

This deterred none of us.  I am now waiting until I have a big enough grocery list to buy more chips to make it again.  It may be party food to some, but I'm hoping it will count as breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a while.

Should we name these chips?  That would be handy for conversation when my children ask what's for breakfast. . .


  1. Oh my, how odd and interesting! Of course I'll have to try this some day.

  2. In my house, I would call those either Forbidden Chips or New-Pants-Chips. For obvious reasons. LOL

  3. That looks pretty much over-the-top divine!

  4. This sounds like a "MUST tRY" recipe..Oh, how yummy.. When I go to the grocery store, I will get some chips and try this..

  5. I've been making chips out of thin sliced potatoes, baked with olive oil and rosemary...everyone loves them and they're relatively healthy too : ) I'll have to try them with the balsamic sauce and maybe some parmesan cheese!

  6. Thinking of you using ruffled chips as the base for a meal makes me think how my husband jokes that a Rachel Ray show is her saying "First you dump this bag of Doritos in a bowl. Then you drop in this bag of shredded lettuce. Dinner!" Of course all your extras make it decadent and divine and suprising, but I just can't get over you eating fancified chips for breakfast. You'll have to bring this along on a certain trip this summer though... p.s. Maybe you could start a business out of your house turning vinegars into candy.

  7. Well, I wouldn't mind this for breakfast... Sometimes it's allowed (or even recommended) to have something "unhealthy".

  8. WHAT! These look decadent, and I'm not even a chip-lover. Gosh, they have all the elements of deliciousness. Must try.


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