Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Cabin Style

I made a new item in my etsy shop:  kitchen gift sets.  They have a hanging hand towel, 2 hotpads, and a knitted dishcloth.  I thought they might be good for the Christmas season, and I've really enjoyed playing with the yarn colors in the dishcloths.

In happy time, I finished the latest gift set just before we went to the cabin, and its shabby vintage look matched entirely the charm of the cabin.  I photographed the gift set on the front porch of the cabin.

I admire my aunt's light touch in this cabin.  There are lots of old things, but none of them are precious and I never worry about my children rampaging through the place (they do rampage).  She allowed the cabin to grow organically - there are some truly ugly pieces of furniture, some worn things that I remember from my cousins' bedrooms when they were small, some mall-ish knick knacks, and the occasional Williamsburg-blue-with-stencilled-hearts piece. 

at the top of the steps

And I wonder if the cabin is special to my family because we have loved it and lived in it over the years, or if it was always a special spot, even before we got there, and we just happened to enter its force field and recognize it.

Mom setting the clock she bought decades ago with S&H Green Stamps

My parents are moving, so the cabin was a tiny spot of do-nothing in the whirlwind.  My mom gave me a hotpad that I immediately took up to my sewing room to replicate because I love it.  I took it along to the cabin to stitch on - I'll share it when I'm done.
A willow crown.  Overalls.  Perfect.


  1. What fun.. Looks lovely .. Hope you have a great time.

  2. The hotpads you sent to me in Guatemala? They are now in full operation in my Virginia kitchen. I couldn't bear to part with them. Thank you!

    (Same with the peppermill.)

  3. Jennifer, so glad you're home - and it warms my heart to know those things are still with you :)

  4. What a cosy place to take a break from regular life.

  5. What a beautiful spot--love the wall paper. How nice to have a spot that's loved, but not too fussy.

  6. Do you ever wish we could all do this way with our houses--nothing impressive, no worries about hideousness, no preoccupation with style? Just make them places of comfort and conviviality?

  7. (We'd still have to clean.)

  8. Good idea on the sets. The one pictured is pretty.

    Love the cabin thoughts...a homey, happy place!

    Sweet little G...

    Thanks for the sweet comment on my last post. Made me happy :-)


I enjoy the conversation in the comments - thank you for that. I will answer your questions here in the comments. Please note that I don't want the world wide web to know my family's surnames and location. Generic comments with links will be treated as spam and deleted.