Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The First Day

This was the first day of second grade for Genevieve, kindergarten for Ben.  There were no tears, thank God.

I made Genevieve's jumper.  It's the second round, because the first one made from the pattern was too broad and slopped off her shoulder.  I put it away and hoped she would grow broader next year.

I made Ben's shirt.  It is not a success in my eyes, but don't tell Ben: he loves when I make him clothes.  I'm not pleased that the collar is so large and odd (this was a vintage 70s pattern) and the buttons are spaced oddly.

And that is the barest skim of the details because I'm exhausted.  But happy.


  1. Mine are in 2nd and Kindergarten this year too! We're homeschooling and will start next week...the last workbooks are due to arrive just in time!

  2. It's very sweet that he likes the clothes you make him.

  3. Sweet! I wish mine were that small again. I have a senior, a tenth grader, seventh grader, and fourth grader.

  4. School was a long time ago for me but one of my fondest memories is that every year my mother took me to Penny's and we picked out a Dan River plaid and a pattern and she made me a first-day-of-school dress. I still remember the fresh smell of the fabric mixed with the ripe smells of Autumn.

  5. They looks so happy. I always loved the first day of school. That is a very cute jumper and while perhaps a tad 70's I think the shirt is pretty great, too. And even greater that your boy appreciates it so. Happy first day of school!!

  6. I loved when my mum made my clothes, too - and I HATED it when we became more well off and she stopped.

    Be warned ;)

  7. WHat a wonderful family. They both look adorable.. And I love Ben's shirt..They look pretty in blue.

  8. They look so much older than when I first found your blog - and as my dad would say, you're all a good-lookin' bunch :)

    Hey, you'll have some time to yourself now, won't you? I loved that part of kids going back to school. Lest I sound selfish, I must say I was always glad to see them come home again!

  9. Granny was thrilled to be able to pick them up at the end of their first day of school. Ben said, "We only had a minute to eat lunch."

    And about your braid, Margo. I love it. Also loved when you used to French braid your hair. Can't say I've noticed you w/a French braid lately.

    You are beautiful.



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