Monday, June 24, 2013

Sunday Afternoon Frozen Yogurt

My husband went for a bike ride, the children were deposited at a birthday party.  I sat down with my new old book, bought at a dreamy used-book store on vacation, and a treat.  This is Baked Rhubarb Frozen Yogurt from yes, Jeni Britton Bauer.  I made it a few weeks ago when rhubarb was plentiful.
my mother got me this bookmark in Portugal when I was in middle school - just found it again recently

It's a very pretty frozen yogurt, with flecks of mauve and chartreuse. Honestly, the children don't like it and that really irritates me, but my husband and I think it's wonderful. 

Jeni says it pairs well with "champagne, a sprinkling of cinnamon, cardamom, or black pepper."  Instead, yesterday, I paired mine with black coffee and a fudgy brownie that my sister made on vacation.  Glorious. 


  1. I'm always on the lookout for K.Norris books! Don't think I've read this one. Enjoy!

  2. Love old books.. So much great info... And I love looking at the old covers.. Happy reading, and the ice cream looks yummy.. [and the brownie sounds even better,ha]

  3. I'd forgotten about Kathleen Norris! I read this book years ago. It was really good.

    Harvest Lane Cottage


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