Sunday, February 10, 2013

How the Stomach Flu Did Not Overwhelm Us

1.  The house was clean and the laundry was nearly caught up. I attribute most of my sanity to a clean house.

2.  We had several small plastic buckets that the sufferers kept in arm's reach.

3.  I had a cache of ginger-ale for just such an occasion.  I did go down to the corner store and get Gatorade (and added it to my grocery list to keep for later; because the stomach flu always finds you later).

4. There were warm rice bags for hurting tummies and cold feet. I had, on a whim, made this rice-bag heart a few days before. I had been planning to show it to you on Valentine's Day for a cute heart post.

the other side

I am so happy with how this patchwork turned out.  I love to look at it.

5.  When the sufferers were climbing out of their pit, I served them warm jasmine rice with salt in a ramekin with a tiny spoon.  Then a little applesauce.  Then an inch of banana.  And later, homemade chicken stock with kluski noodles and thyme.

6.  My husband threw away toothbrushes and washed handles, lightswitches, and bathroom with assiduous care.

It was, surprisingly, a peaceful weekend.  Or maybe that was because all our social plans were cancelled.  I had been disappointed to miss the northeastern snowstorm, but it turns out we were housebound by the stomach flu. 


  1. I can only hope we survive it as gracefully as your family did if it comes our way. I love the heart warmer. I also love that we share the same tablecloth:-).

  2. Sorry to hear you were all sick. Blah! But what a good idea to throw out toothbrushes. And I do love the heart heat bag. Adorable xo

  3. Oh, I feel for you! I do hate the stomach flu. You are wonderfully calm about it.

    What a pretty heart-shaped warmer. And how good to have a helpful husband.

    Hope everyone is feeling better.

  4. The heart is as charming as everything else you make; glad you're over the bug.

  5. Glad everyone is feeling better. And yes, I love the rice heart too!

  6. Glad everyone is better! And yes, a clean house helps tremendously. I really like the rice-ramekin idea. I keep thinking of reasons to buy a few ramekins. There's another one!

  7. So sorry the bug hit your house.. Glad all is feeling better..I so agree, a clean house helps bad situations so much..
    Love, love the cute.
    Take care,

  8. So sorry for the yuck :-(
    Glad it's past.
    Truly those things you listed are sanity-savers at such a time!
    Funny how sickness sometimes gives us a much-needed breather/quiet...
    Love the tapestry :-)

  9. So sorry to hear your dear ones had tummy troubles. Have you ever tried using activated charcoal? You can put it in a glass of hot water with lemon juice and honey, or in a spoonful of chocolate pudding for the kiddos. Do try it, it'll save you a lot of bucket-washing!

    Love the heart-shaped "heating pad." :)



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