Sunday, January 6, 2013

A New Stack of Library Books

There is a librarian who watches out for me because she knows I like to make things.  I am so warmed by her kindness and interest.  She will catch a book going through the system and put it aside for me.  When I went to the library to pick up some other books I had reserved (The Homemade Pantry, Vintage Cakes), there was a surprise from her rubber-banded to the others:  a mending book.  My heart jumped.  Mending!  Codified!  Explained! Photographed!

I didn't get to have a Sunday afternoon on the couch with the books because I was at the last Christmas gathering with my dad's side of the family.  I truly didn't mind.  They are lovely, polite people who know how to make conversation, so it's truly enjoyable to spend the day with them catching up.

So these books will be my bus reading this week and next. Have you read any of them?


  1. I haven't read any but I did see that home made pantry book online and I was interested. I have to get my library to get it... would love to hear a review though :)

  2. I've looked at vintage cakes. A wonderful book. I've made their cardamom cake. It was lovely.
    I love libraries and your blessed to have such a great librarian.

  3. How sweet of the librarian to put the "good" books aside for you.. I havent read any of them.But would love to see the Mend it.. Bet you will have some fun riding and reading next week..

  4. I'm afraid I haven't read any of those; but I also know someone who is lovely and polite and knows how to make conversation, and your comment brought her to mind. It's not so common!

  5. It's a great gift to have family who are a pleasure to be with.

    I have not read any of these, but I would love to read the mending book or anything similar ... I feel a library visit coming on :)

    Happy Week!

  6. Nope, but now I will know what books to be on the lookout for! I am often overwhelmed when browsing through the stacks - I need recommendations :-)

    I've been mending a coat that we think my grandmother made. I tried to talk myself into doing the tricky bits first to get them out of the way, but I chickened out and reinforced the lining first instead.

    Now, I have nowhere else to turn and must get to the tricky part (for me), which is creating and replacing the satin seam binding on the cuffs. I'm so nervous! Maybe the mending book will help.

    I wish I lived closer to you and Rebecca so that I could run over with my project and you could save me from myself ;-)

  7. Hello again! I've enjoyed catching up on your last several posts and the end of your Christmasing :-)

    You inspired me to return to more purposeful thanks-giving with your New Journal post.

    I've looked at Vintage Cakes. Fab.U.Lous.

  8. Oh, and I also love Up in the Air So Blue.

    And look at all that snow. Lovely. We had 80's here right before Christmas. But I don't mind.

  9. A good friend has raved about that Homemade Pantry book - I flipped through it the last time we visited them and was intrigued. I hope you let us know what you think of the mending book - I have accumulated a large sack of clothes in need of repair and feel like my techniques are not quite up to snuff, so I would love to find a good reference. I've eyed this one, too.

  10. Sara, thanks for the recommendation. I adore that make-do mindset. I'd love to browse through that book!

  11. I have the homemade pantry book and like it a lot. It made cheese making accessible to me. I also enjoyed her drink syrup mixtures when I had a ton of rhubarb from the garden this past summer.


I enjoy the conversation in the comments - thank you for that. I will answer your questions here in the comments. Please note that I don't want the world wide web to know my family's surnames and location. Generic comments with links will be treated as spam and deleted.