Saturday, November 3, 2012

Baking Ahead

You know, I've been thinking recently how I spend a lot more time in my kitchen making more things than just meals.  For me, feeding my family is not just buying groceries and getting three meals on the table everyday.  Because we want to eat good homemade food, because I want to use local ingredients, because I like kitchen projects, I end up in the kitchen more than at mealtime.

I know some people who schedule a baking day, cooking day, or kitchen day.  Maybe I should do that.  At this point, I just add my kitchen tasks to my weekly to-do list and accomplish them as I have time and inclination.  This week:  mayo, bread, bagels, bierrocks (Russian Mennonite hot pockets), apple butter, apple chutney, and dried apples.

Genevieve rolled out bierrocks, Ben helpd with pizza cups

Let me tell you, this morning I did not have inclination.  This morning I was resentful.  I couldn't believe people eat so much and a meal is coming around again.

Now I have a batch of bierrocks for the freezer to go in school lunches.  I also made bagels, pizza cups, and bread this morning, plus fed my family two meals (pancakes and then miso soup plus scrounged leftovers).  It sure feels good to sit down right now!  And my attitude, with all those homemade good things shielding my family from the cold bad world, is much improved.

finished bierrocks
The apple chutney can wait until next week, that's what.  Supper comes in three hours, and I have sheets on the line and sewing ideas.  Oh, and dishes.


  1. Wow, you persevered and really came out ahead! I admit to feeling resentful about meals sometimes too, and often can't believe time to prepare another meal is already here! It seems like one just gets on a roll with other things and then time is up! I guess I prefer other housework and definitely sewing. But caring for one's family with cooking is important, I remind myself! Shauna

  2. Can you post your recipe for the bierocks? They look delish!

  3. I get that resentful feeling occasionally, too. It's usually when I am really excited about a sewing/craft project.

  4. I also get that feeling like I'm in the kitchen so much, and it's not as much as you are, I'm sure. I've been trying to remind myself that it's sure nice to have decent food around.

  5. I get that resentful feeling, too, and the weary-but-satisfied feeling when I know I've accomplished a lot that will take care of us and make life simpler the next week!

    Thank you so much for posting all these good ideas and ways that you find to feed your family the way you want to even with time limitations. My husband has a non-traditional job that makes packing lunches challenging, and your posts about pizza cups and now bierrocks (which I'd never heard of!) are so helpful!

  6. I am not the only one, then!!! I get that feeling too on occasion. So much of what I make is 100% from scratch without convenience aspects that sometimes I get weary of it--because there's no break! people keep getting hungry! like, over and over again!!

    I do sometimes try to lean on leftovers or easy meals when I'm baking ahead. I used to do a baking day (when Finn was a baby) but now I do what you do--incorporate the baking or extra kitchen work into the week when I find spare slots of time. Like tonight, I make yogurt! (I think.)

  7. Nancy, I will post the recipe shortly!

  8. I'm a new follower and these bierrocks caught my attention. I made a pizza version that my kids both loved. I'm thankful - my son loves hot pockets and I'm so happy to have a home made version that he's excited about. I think I will try sloppy joe, some sort of taco/chicken...

  9. Nancy, I was waiting until I tasted a bierrock :) I'm not entirely pleased with them, so I'm going to tweak my recipe and then I'll post it - might be a few weeks. Just shoot me an email if you want the unedited recipe before that.

    Beth, welcome! I love the idea of using sloppy joe as a filling. I saw a recipe for "cabbage joe" that I bet would be good, too.


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