Friday, November 9, 2012

A Pencil Roll for a Traveling Artist

One of my former neighbors, a collage artist, asked me to make her a pencil roll for an upcoming trip.  She was vague about colors and design - probably she feels that an artist should follow her vision and that's what makes the piece attractive. 

At least, that's how I dreamily sewed up this pencil roll.  I putter in my mind when I sew.  It's lovely.

I did suggest that I make it funky and crazy and she readily agreed.  My stash is rather odd since it's all found fabric, so I knew that it would have to be patchwork to achieve the effect I had in mind.

Since my friend is a collage artist, I thought collages would be a language she enjoys, so I made two little fabric collages on the pencil roll.  It was very, very, very fun.  But what if my friend is tired of speaking collage?  Well, hopefully my sheer joy in making this pencil roll makes up for that, so. . . .

I think I'm puttering along, sewing-style, in this blog post.

I'll have more handwork to share soon - I've finally started watching Downton Abbey, one delicious episode at a time, and as I watch I work on a little quilting project that is turning out to be exquisite.  Can't wait to share!


  1. Such fun! I love your description of "puttering along". I do that when I'm working in the garden : ) Your projects are full of fun colors and patterns - always cheerful with a bit of whimsy too!

  2. I love that case! And I've never put it to words, but "puttering along" is so what I do when I'm sewing too.

  3. Love it! And you can so easily pick fun fabrics and details!

  4. Adorable.. Love all the "found fabrics" , the colors are so pretty.. Know your friend will love it.
    I love to putter along ,when sewing too..SO fun.
    Look forward to seeing your new quilt.

  5. What a terrific blog! It's like a pleasant visit with a friend. I shall enjoy following you.

  6. I so enjoyed your description of "puttering in your mind" - I know just what you mean!

    You do lovely work. Looking forward to seeing your next quilting project.


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