Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Stash-Busting for Men*

My husband is trying to clean out the basement.  To that end, he and the children started making a clubhouse in the back yard in June.  It's 80% done.

The only thing he bought so far are the cement things used as the foundation, a few 2x3 boards, and the plexiglass sheet that replaced the window glass.
The paint, other boards, roofing, window, and door all came from the basement.  Ben has explained to me that he is allowed to open the window and prop up the roof any time he wants; he says it will be especially handy when it gets hot in the summer.

I'll take a photo when the doorknob is finally on so you can see it in all its cuteness  (right now, I am begged to come outside at all hours to tug the door open for the children).  I'm thinking the clubhouse needs a window box, scalloped trim, and curtains.

The children are thrilled.  My husband and I have weakly said no to all pets so far:  we were so pleased to say yes to a clubhouse!

*Title suggested by my husband.


  1. Very interesting that your husband suggested the post title! What fun to have a clubhouse.

  2. Definitely a window box!

    Saying yes feels good... makes me realize how often (too often!) I say no.

  3. Props to your husband! I don't think mine would know what "stash busting" is.

    Can't wait to see the finished project!

  4. Superb! I bet they will pass so many fun hours in there!

  5. I would have loved this as a child! Yours will have such fun.


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