Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ice-Cold Lemonade

My husband has been making lemonade with the "recipe" found in Gyo Fujikawa's Oh! What a Busy Day!  The book was given to little-girl-me in 1979 by my cousins Timmy and Tommy.

Lemon juice and sugar
Lot of water, lots of ice.

Stir them all together.
Stir and swirl them all around.

And presto! like magic!
It's puckery,

Then he adds a few leaves of Thai basil. Pow! Delicious.

Genevieve came across an Eloise book in the library this week; I knew Eloise was a famous children's book character, but I didn't realize how shockingly bratty she is - apparently, her behavior rocked the 1950s children's book world!  I enjoyed the period details in the text and illustrations.  What children's books inspire you?


  1. The lemonade sounds wonderful!

    I love Laura Ingalls Wilder, of course. But also Beverly Cleary and the Ramona series. Eleanor Estes and her book Ginger Pye, and Meindert DeJong's Shadrach to name a few.

  2. Being English, mostly Enid Blyton. I think 50% of my education came from reading her books- all sorts of bits of knowledge. I was able to impress my now FIL with my knowledge of 1950's English wheat harvesting having read The Caravan Family!

    Laura Ingalls Wilder (son particularly likes the popcorn and milk experiment from Farmer Boy) although I didn't read her as a child, but when I bought the books for my children.

    And the Katy Did books by Susan Coolidge, which I did read as a child. Repeatedly, I think, along with the Little Women series. Youngest daughter (81/2) is clamouring for more Katy Did every night- we're nearly at the end of What Katy Did at School and she's shocked by the ice freezing in the glass overnight.

  3. I love Laura Ingall Wilder books. and love to watch the tv shows , Little house on the prarie and the Waltons too..
    Lemonade looks yummy...


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