Friday, May 4, 2012

Skinnifying My Bootcut Jeans

My sister is the best person to shop with.  She helped me try on at least 30 pairs of pants at the mall recently on a birthday shopping spree.  I came home with, among other things, a pair of skinny jeans.  Me.  Yes.  Wow. 
Suddenly, I realized, in contrast, that my 8-year-old Eddie Bauer bootcuts were just too big.  I laid the skinny jeans on top of the bootcuts, drew some lines, snip snip, sew sew with a denim needle in the machine and there you go: skinnier jeans in 30 minutes.

after.. experimenting with cuffing . .with my $15 boat shoes from Target.
The photos are awful, but they capture my 30 minutes of frenzy before I ran errands, so I'm leaving them as historical documentation. 


  1. Awesome! I found a tutorial a while back for making boot cuts into skinnies and bookmarked it; such a practical and easy and cheap alteration! I found my first pair of skinnies at Old Navy for $.97 cents. That's my kind of deal.

  2. Christian, I got the idea from your sidebar link, actually! And WOW for your cheap jeans.

  3. Your skinny jeans look great... and I love sale prices.Great!!!'
    Happy birthday.


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