Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A New Shopping Cart

After a month of two of shopping around, I bought a new shopping cart from Amazon for $26.  A very good price for a cart that got glowing reviews.  After taking the cart on its maiden market trip this week, I have to agree that it's great.

I'm not getting rid of my bigger wire granny-cart - that thing can hold 3 half-bushel boxes of tomatoes!

But wow, did my blue cart come in a big box with lots of brown paper.  I folded up the paper (sort of - there must be at least 10 yards of it) and stored it with my wrapping paper.  I will use it to wrap gifts:  "brown paper packages tied up with string" as in The Sound of Music.  And if I'm feeling fancy, I will turn my iron on its lowest dry setting and smooth the wrinkles out of the paper first.

The children played with the box for a day or so and now I have no earthly idea where the box went.  As long as it's not on my living room floor, I don't care.

Also, this week, our friend Jonathan bought some redwood planks from my husband.  This is an ingenious friend.  Jonathan took the planks home on his handmade alley-runner! 


  1. When we lived in the city, I had a grocery granny cart! I wore that thing out.

    The alley runner is a great idea!

  2. I love the ingenuity of these carts! Where we live in a small town I'd like to start riding my bike (some places are a little too far for walking) so I'm in the market for some racks/baskets for my bike. I have to wait till the boys are old enough to A. stay at home on their own, or B. ride safely on busy roads with me the distance to the grocery store, etc.

  3. What a great cart.. Excellent find..
    I remember when My kids were home, and would play with the empty boxes.. More fun than toys.[and this has been quiet a few years ago.ha]

  4. Been catching up here yesterday and today. Hooray for a good product. Always a relief when ordering sight unseen!

    The stinging nettle was interesting!

    And a belated happy birthday to Sweet Margo. I'm glad it was a peaceful, satisfying one for you!

  5. As I child I had a ceramic music box painted by my mother that sang My Favorite Things. Oh, how I loved that music box. I hadn't thought of it in a long time though. I'm glad you brought it to mind.

    That is a very clever way to move boards!

    Have a great day!

  6. hi BLD, our kids are in a crazy obsession with Sound of Music around here. We limited the soundtrack to once a day!

  7. I don't know what an alley runner is. Looking at the picture, I still don't know what it is...?

  8. DB, it's the little wooden cart with 2 wheels. I think that's just the name Jonathan gave it.


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