Thursday, March 15, 2012

Italian Oranges

A little fruit magic my friend Doris taught me:  thinly sliced oranges with the juice and zest of a lemon, plus sugar.  I use 3 or 4 oranges to 1 lemon.  I don't measure the sugar, but it's probably about 2 Tablespoons.

Serve as a side in a rich meal, or as a dessert with cookies.

Tonight, we had ours after pasta and Swiss chard with basil cream sauce and French bread with olive oil.

Then the seeds and little seedlings were watered.

It's been summery here, but tonight the air was turning properly sharp again.

 And then I came inside and saw that rain is in the forecast.  No matter.  The children loved the sanctioned water play.


  1. We just went through a five-pound sack of navel oranges in less than 24 hours. Delicious.

  2. I've never heard of this, but it's a great idea.

  3. Mmmm! Those oranges look delicious - must try! We wait till labor day up here to plant our gardens...but the snow is melting : )

  4. Eva, it's the spring stuff: peas and spinach. The rest will wait for the frost-free date.

  5. Ummmh ,the oranges look yummmy.. and so nice to get out and do some early gardening.

  6. Those oranges sound delicious! And I love the photos of your children watering the seed sprouts, Alex loves helping with the watering too.


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