Monday, March 5, 2012

Fresh Bread for Breakfast

When I went with my dad to Costco to shop for the MYF meal, I was round-eyed at the sheer bigness of everything.  In some crazy nostalgia for Germany, I bought two oversized jars of Nutella. 

Then I made Italian bread and baked it hot for breakfast.  It's only 30 minutes of standing and baking in the morning - easy easy easy, and then the house smells wonderful.

It was delightful to recall my German breakfast of great bread, Nutella, banana, Parmalat milk, and fragrant black coffee.

And here's a little kitchen tip:  if I make an eggwash for a baking project and don't use it all, I freeze it and then just thaw it out next time I need an eggwash.  That's my eggwash in the little glass jar.


  1. That's it. I'm buying more Nutella.

  2. Oh, so you can freeze an eggwash - good to know!!

  3. Margo...I am drooling :)


  4. DB, in 1995 for a summer. Then Switzerland for a 3-week vacation not long after I was married.

  5. It's 9:07 on a Monday night. I'm exhausted and my leg hurts, but I suddenly have an insane desire to a) zip up to Kroger for nutella, and b) start mixing bread dough for morning bread! Breakfast divine!

  6. Ooooh, wow. That's just so tasty sounding and looking, Margo!

    I made the portobello mushroom cap pizzas and the italian stew. YUMM!

    Yes, Costco. We are officially a bulk-size family now, and while my eyes don't pop there anymore, it's still!! (in the store AND in my cart!)

  7. Beth, I did think of you, actually. I thought how great Costco is for big groups of people :) But you must either have an enormous pantry, or go there frequently. I didn't have enough space for most of the things I saw at Costco.

  8. Costco scares the living daylights out of me. Way to big. My sister loves it. To each her own.

    The bread looks heavenly.


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