Monday, December 12, 2011

the frailest leaves - An Anniversary

Here the frailest leaves of me and yet my strongest lasting,
Here I shade and hide my thoughts,
I myself do not expose them,
And yet they expose me more than all
my other poems.

Walt Whitman

Doesn't blogging expose us?  No matter if you blog like me, just a slice of your life and the good slice at that. . .Odd to think that I have never physically met or talked to many of you.  I feel like I know you!  I dearly love my online community.  Thank you all so very much for the conversations, suggestions, thoughts, and prayers.  This blog is 2 years old today . . . because of you.


  1. Congratulations! Your corner of the web is one of my favorite places to hang out.

  2. Love these photos, the Whitman, and your blog. Happy blog-o-versary!

  3. That's two years of inspiration from you to me. Thank you for sharing your life, your thoughts, and your ideas!

  4. I haven't been following that long, but looking forward to another two years! Congrats on you 2 year blogging birthday!

  5. Very well said Margo. Thanks for letting us be a part of your life! You are a source of inspiration (and yummy recipes).

  6. I love your blog, thank you for sharing your recipes, sewing and slice of your life!

  7. Happy anniversary! I love what you do here. I think that blogging is a gift. I love my blog friends, and I always get a little happier seeing their names in the comments! And, I never told you -- I love your Chesterton quote! Perfect.


I enjoy the conversation in the comments - thank you for that. I will answer your questions here in the comments. Please note that I don't want the world wide web to know my family's surnames and location. Generic comments with links will be treated as spam and deleted.