Thursday, October 13, 2011

Service for 12

We're getting ready to be the host family on Sunday.  Due to broken plates, we no longer had service for 12.  

As an engaged couple, we were dumb-lucky enough to pick a pattern that is readily available online. My comparison shopping has consistently shown that Dansk is the best price around.

We only have one set of china on purpose, but what will happen when the children start really washing dishes?  And then, what will happen when the elders start passing on their beautiful old china?
And here's a new plate (no different from the old ones!) in my shiny new drying rack. 

The former drying rack was, like the china, from the beginning of my married life - but it was rusted through and deeply mildewed.

I kept putting off buying a replacement because I hated the thought of something that could only be junked, not rehabilitated. Well, the deed is done and not cheaply, either. I chose a drying rack that will not mildew or rust (right? right?), with the tray made locally by an Amishman. I hope this is my last dishdrainer, making it, in the end, a thrifty purchase.


  1. My dish drainer is a disgrace. I try not to look at it.

  2. Buying something of good quality that will last is a wise choice. I am more and more convinced that you get what you pay for, and buying something of good quality is worth it!

  3. I use a wooden dish drainer/rack. They last about two years (I use it till it falls apart) and it costs only $5.oo, then we burn the old one and get a new one : )

  4. From a quality and design standpoint Dansk is a wonderful choice. I wish I'd chosen it 12 years ago...

  5. This is good encouragement for me to unseat the unsightly drying rack perched on our Amish-made drainer. Mildew, check. Rust, check. Same guilt about pitching it, check. (-: Jean

  6. We only have one set of dishes too. They are lovely enough for everyday AND special gatherings. We just don't need a second set hanging around that we don't use. :)


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