Monday, October 3, 2011

Peach Butter

A few last peaches from market, but they were an odd mushy texture.  And there 6 big ones.  Rebecca and I were talking about food, as usual, and she was recalling something on Smitten Kitchen.  Thus I found a peach butter recipe

I have grown up around apple butter, which I like but don't seek out.  We like this peach butter too.   So relieved the peaches are transformed, not just composted!

The silliness is from the camera, not the peach butter.  I promise.


  1. Very cute funny faces. I feel so gypped when the peaches are like that, and honestly, this year, they have all been. I'm glad you did something creative with them!

  2. Leila, our peaches have been beautiful this year - these were the first that were not good for eating out of hand.

  3. Silliness is always a result of the camera at my house too...hard to capture those sweet faces in their handsome form around her!

  4. Hmmm, maybe I can "rescue" our latest haul of peaches, which are hard and tart. Summer is fading, so are the peaches.


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