Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm Trendy

I opened the latest Land's End catalog and nearly fell off my chair:  a ruffle scarf!  People, I made that scarf up out of my head because there were so many ruffles appearing last fall and they were so pretty.  Well.

Then I turned the page and did fall off my chair:  little fabric flowers! 

I made those up out of my head too!  I'm sure there are tutorials and kits for people to make flowers, but all along I have simply been playing with my fabric scraps and twisting my needle and thread in different directions to get the flower breeziness I wanted.

 I have secretly pretended to be a milliner.  I threw some of my flowers away because I couldn't get them right, and they're such a little bit of fabric.  Then my cousin commissioned me to make organza flowers for all the ladies of her wedding party including (gasp) her, the bride.  I was honored.

(my sister modeling a flower)

My conscious mind does not remember seeing prototypes anywhere for my ruffle scarves and flowers. . . I'm so trendy that Land's End is copying me, right?  No, I'm joking.  But I am amused at the funny ways of the universe.

I'm having a big photo shoot this weekend - more flowers and scarves in the shop next week!


  1. They owe you, big time.

    Seriously though, that's awesome. Tell us NOW what you're thinking of making up next! Better yet, buy a trademark for your next idea---QUICK!

  2. Your just ahead of fashion. That is what all fashion designers have to be. I love all this flouncy, ruffly stuff. can't wait to see your new things.

  3. You're not trendy, you're a trendsetter! :)

    I was in Ann Taylor Loft a few weeks ago and noticed that they're selling ruffle scarves this season as well. I thought of you.

  4. That's exciting! I love it when that happens : ) Good luck with the wedding!

  5. You should sue. Lands End totally copied you. The nerve.

  6. Lands End has nothing on you, though!!!! Your scarves are gorgeous.


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