Wednesday, September 21, 2011

That Cozy Feeling

the delicious weight of blankets at night. . .good warm breakfast smells from a hot oven in the morning. . .jackets and sweaters and lovely leather boots. . .cold noses and red cheeks. . .smoky air. . .warm home, chilly air and the desire to be at home with a mug of hot tea and the umbrella dripping in the corner, drawing the curtains against the winter that's coming on.  Home is such a cozy place in autumn. 
I love how the sudden brisk air prioritizes our house projects.  Suddenly there's a flurry of outdoor painting, quick, or we'll have to look at that helplessly until next summer. . .


  1. We had to put the heavy blanket on last week. Ah, autumn may be here. After the crazy pace of summer I am really looking forward to it.

  2. Great pictures. And you clearly, cozily articulate the feelings of fall.

  3. Ah yes, the mad rush to get everything done before the snow comes! Eagerly awaiting the leaf peeping and mulled apple cider too : )

  4. I was having the same thoughts - till today. It was nice and warm! It's a lovely time of year, either way.

  5. You paint a lovely, comforting picture with words of the cosiness of autumn. x

  6. Autumn hasn't quite arrived in the deep south yet, but we're anticipating all its cozy benefits. Come quickly, quickly!


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