Friday, September 9, 2011

The Sobbing is Over

The first day of kindergarten was the lovely stereotype of crisp sweater-weather and cheer.
Over the next few days, Genevieve began to sob and beg not to go to school ("I weeped," she told me).  This was not our independent girl.

We talked about adjusting, making friends, focusing on the good things, learning to read, etc. etc.  We prayed with her (and very hard for her).  Finally, I talked to the harried teacher who assured me that the crying disappearing 10 minutes into the day.

But the crying was starting the night before at our house and continuing in the morning, on the walk to school, and at goodbye.  This is our first kindergartner - my husband and I began to question ourselves.

Then, out of the blue, Genevieve said, "I've adjusted to school, Mom.  I wish I was there now."  And there has not been a bad word about school since then.  Thank you, God.  I don't think I've adjusted to her school yet, but I'm working on it - avoiding the cruddy cafeteria food, stocking up on uniforms, dealing with the deluge of paper, getting ready to think about homework. . .


  1. Poor Genevieve. Poor you. I'm am happy to hear that she has adjusted. You will, too. Hang in there!

  2. I'm so glad for you that things seemed to have worked themselves out okay. A new environment can be a big adjustment, but pretty soon it will be old hat. Our boy is going to be doing a morning preschool 2 days a week and we have no idea how that is going to go, but the teacher said it can take a kindergartener 6 weeks to feel comfortable at school, so I don't think your situation is unusual. Hang in there, mom!

  3. It's such a big deal for them but yes, once there they love it. My 3 yr old is already talking about going to school!!! Not yet my baby!!!

  4. So glad that she is doing better!!

  5. What a heartbreaking situation for a parent. I mean, of course anyone would be sad for G, but my mind quickly goes to the mother who wants only good things for her child. R will tell you a long story of not adjusting to middle school that happened in my corner of the world this fall. So glad your story ended happily.

  6. Oh, dear G... some transitions are so difficult. But what a blessing now that the sobbing is over.

  7. "I weeped" --- so cute and hilarious. Poor girl. I'm glad things are looking up now.


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