Monday, September 19, 2011

Mr. Thrift and the Seam Ripper

Genevieve's school uniforms aren't supposed to have any logos on them.  And my friend Maria told me her clever method of buying incorrectly monogrammed backpacks for cheap, and then picking out the monogram.  I got this little polo for a few bucks at the thrift store.

My husband nicely offered to take a go at the seam ripper.  Well.  Polo has no intention of removing its branding claws from that shirt.  We got so far, and then I appliqued a white heart over the mess and the hole. 

A little puckery, but at least we can still use the shirt.


  1. Now THAT is clever! I've tried to pick out logos before and gave it up with a mighty growl.

  2. I think I prefer the heart!

    I keep hearing about the seam ripper-monogram method, but I just can't wrap my brain around how it would actually work and look normal... seems like an applique would be in order every time.

  3. Great idea! And how nice of him to offer to be the seam-ripper. I hate that part. GREAT idea about ripping the monogram out of backpacks. I bet you could get a really great deal that way.

  4. Smart idea.

    Love seam rippin' husbands (I've always been so touched anytime BB does "woman's work" for me!).

  5. I love the heart and it's puckery like a kiss! You are a clever woman.


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