Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Oxblood and Mint

One night I was reading in bed when I looked up:  there was the burgundy rose pinned to my mirror as usual, behind the mint-colored pump on my lotion bottle.  The colors electrified me. Epiphany!  I immediately began planning some kind of mint-green and burgundy ensemble. 

The first thing I managed to get my hands on were a pair of sandals. I can tell you there's no cordovan trend right now because I looked hard and long for my cordovan sandals (and found them under my nose at a local shoe shop for - deep breath - $21!!). 

Now I must have burgundy/oxblood/cordovan with all my clothes right now. I've never before liked this color, and consequently have only sandals and a ribbon right now in my wardrobe. 

I have the mint fabric and the pattern ready to go to Make My First Dress For Myself.  Then my nighttime burgundy and mint vision will be fulfilled and I will also have reached a goal this year, which was to sew a dress for myself.  Just need the time!


  1. Nice shoes! Great goal to sew a dress... I want to do that too but it's not only finding the time but also the motivation! xo

  2. Love the shoes! What dress pattern will you use?

    I confess that when I saw the title of your post I feared it would be a recipe.

    I'm relieved.

  3. Looking forward to seeing what you will make! The sandals are so classic and pretty - very hard to find these days!

  4. I love the sandals and the color combination sounds scrumptious... I love mint green and brown together, which is very similar. I can't wait to see you in your new ensemble.

  5. Funny girl! Putting off your sewing. You are just like the rest of us mom's. Everyone else first. I can't wait to see your dress.

  6. I love the sandals, nice find. Good luck finding the time to make your dress - those kids have to sleep sometime don't they? Keep being good to yourself. :)

  7. Fabulous colour concept, you'll rock it, especially in your own handmade dress!! Love Posie

  8. that color combo sounds so vintage. i like.
    the picture of you in that dress looks like you stepped straight off the set of Mad Men. and i mean that as a complement.


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