Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Trio of Vintage Roller Towels

I found an old roller towel - a long loop of toweling that hung over a roller and then you rolled it until you found a dry spot for your wet hands.  This one still had sweet little hand stitching on it, but had two rectangles heartlessly, needlessly cut out.  This is the kind of thing that I love to rescue and restore to function.

I measured and cut the roller towel into three hanging hand towels, oven towels. I patched the sorry rectangles with little scraps of old feedsack from my stash. Check them out in my shop!

Next up, a ripped-in-half vintage bedspread. . .


  1. Very nice Margo. I remember mom having a roller towel in the kitchen by the wash your hand sink. This was so Dat could wash his hands after working in the field. It had to be replaced often as it was forever dirty. thanks for the memories.

  2. Well. I was on that like white on rice. Love green and the stories of those fabrics! This oven towel is for MY kitchen--not a gift!

  3. When it comes to sewing this approach is my delight as well. I have such a hard time paying money for fabric... mainly because I don't trust my sewing abilities enough not to foul it up, but also because there are so many pretty scraps of fabric out there waiting to be repurposed. A vintage bedspread sounds yummy, can't wait to see what you do!

  4. I haven't really gotten into thrifted linens and such yet, but I think I'm going to have to! I love that you're rescuing the travel weary ones!


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