Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ben, Pantless

What can you do when you're away from home and the potty-trainer goes through all the extra clothes?

Go without and go home.  Laugh.  Take a picture.  (Notice his paper "sunglasses" made on Grandpa's adding machine)

I'm linking up with Leila's {pretty happy funny real}.


  1. Oh Ho Ho! That's a great picture ; )

  2. Yes, "real" happens! Too funny.
    Thanks for joining!

  3. Awww...his poor little cold legs. At least he had his boots to keep him warm!

  4. A keeper. You can use this one on him when he gets older!

  5. That's about a real as it gets!! I love it.

    Blessings, Debbie

  6. Now THAT's real alright...I've taken a fully decked out "princess" shopping before. Pretty funny!

  7. Great Picture (he won't like finding out about this in a few years!) I have twins and when they were little my minivan had 3 bins-one for each boy- with ziploc bags full of complete changes of clothes. Oh, and a potty chair for no bathroom at the park emergencies! I do not miss those days! Well, maybe a little...

  8. He wasn't at all embarrassed? My little one almost had the same thing happen to him and the possibility of going pantless had him in tears!

  9. what a good boy! My boy would refuse to go anywhere without pants

  10. What a great picture! I was wondering this morning where I first heard about Like Mother, Like Daughter- then I realized it was from you!

  11. JJ, no he wasn't embarrassed and didn't seem particularly chilly either - that's why I felt free to take a picture when we got home. He just rode home in the car like that and then posed on the front step. Wearing the beloved truck boots helped, I'm sure.

  12. When I was little I felt that clothing was optional in most situations. Even my nursery school interview. I love this picture!

  13. Thank you for visiting my blog and giving me the URL to your bread made with homemade starter. My starter is working really well; I am so pleased as I used no yeast at all to get it going. I also took some out to Vancouver Island to my dad who has made wonderful bread and pancakes out of it. I make the bread from the Tartine cookbook - it's a bit fussy but the bread is so amazing. I work a corporate job and have very little time to make wonderful home-baked things, but I always make time for bread :) Cheers.

  14. My favorite picture of Ben ever!


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