Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ruffle Scarves

I've been sewing a lot and I haven't been documenting well For the Record.  I think I need a portfolio of all the ruffle scarves I'm making. I'm going to be doing an extra little show in April, so I'm sewing like mad.

This scarf is to scratch the itch I got when I saw the Sartorialist's post; I also made this etsy treasury on the same theme.  I think I got it out of my system now.

Genevieve suggested she model the scarves and the poses were all her idea.  She's peeking out from a vintage upcycled pillowcase with gorgeous sherbet colors, black leaves, and daisies; I combined it with aquamarine linen and topstitched it in double rows of black.

(different time, different child, same child-initiated modeling)

Genevieve, showing a vintage Holly Hobbie print with green linen and brown calico.

Here, boringly enough (where are the children?) is a gingham and roses + cherries combo with rick rack edging.  It's not easy to mix patterns in a fresh, yet congruent way; I thought I was giving it a fresh vibe, but it turned out a little more Laura Ashley than I thought. 

I love the color play and stories that are built into these scarves; like making a quilt, but far less time investment. . . and I've never seen someone wearing a quilt around her neck. . .

Whatever does not sell in the April event will go into the etsy shop; well, I guess if you fall in love with one of these I can sell it to you in a reserve listing on etsy.  And then I'll sew some more.


  1. They are all beautiful but the children are the adorable ones!

  2. The scarves are so pretty! You're lucky to have such willing models.

  3. Your ruffle scarves are yummy! I'm wishing you the very best with your upcoming endeavor! Do the children get their drama flair from you?

  4. thanks for all your compliments!

    Christian, probably. My good friend and mentoring teacher says that teachers are frustrated actors :)

  5. Your scarves are beautiful, and what sweet photos of your children!


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