Monday, March 28, 2011

It's a Good Day

Although it's still too cold. . . .

. . . and I'm nervous the warm weather will not appear by the end of the week when I am doing a-little-selling -table-outside stint.  I have lots of prep to do for that, too.

But it's a good day because my mom called me early this morning to sing me happy birthday and tell me she was glad I was born.  I'm 36, friends!  Holy cow.

Off to the kitchen to cook.  I planned my birthday myself and it's fun already.

(great photos by my husband)


  1. Happy Birthday! I love the photos of your children and I am so glad it's a good day.

  2. Happy birthday!! Hope you fully enjoy your day!

  3. I love it when people call you up and sing to you on your birthday - it's quirky, and a little embarrassing, and totally makes you feel loved : )

    Happy Birthday to You!

  4. Those are great photos.

    And happy birthday!! (Perhaps the automated Happy Birthday phone message that I got today from a local pharmacy was meant for you instead of me? Cause my birthday isn't till the fall...) I want to know what you planned.

  5. Blow out all the candles!

  6. And may you have many more trips around the sun.

  7. Happy Birthday! I'm glad you were born, too!

  8. I love that mothers always call first thing to say happy birthday! I do hope it's been a lovely day.

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MARGO!!! That's me singing really loud from TX!

    I hope it was a good one, sweet girl (GIRL! 36 is definitely still girl!). I'm hitting 35 very soon myself.

    Let us know how it went!

  10. I had forgotten that you shared a birthday with Soren! :) Happy Birthday, Margaret!


  11. I hope you had a wonderful birthday! What did you cook for your celebration? And what sweet photos of your kids!

  12. Caryn, I thought of Soren yesterday - it's a much bigger deal to turn 2!!

    and you all are sweet. I enjoyed the phone calls and cards so much yesterday - I can tell I'm getting older (wiser) because of how sweet these greetings and kind thoughts are to me. You know, the youngsters are all focused on the loot.

  13. Happy (belated) birthday, Margo!


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