Friday, March 4, 2011

500 Muffin Cups

Because I hate scrubbing muffin tins and they don't get clean anyway. . .

and because I kept running out of muffin cups (pictured are refrigerator bran muffins). . .

I bought a sleeve of 500 paper muffin cups on ebay for $.02 each, including shipping.


  1. Yes! That's the only way to make muffins : )
    Great deal!

  2. I so agree, I hate scrubbing muffin tins! I buy mine in sleeves of one thousand at a restaurant supply store. Yours are a better deal though :)

  3. wow, that's a lot of cups! i'm so lazy, i ditched my muffin pans a while back and just pour the mix into a rectangular baking dish--we call it making "muffin bread." if i ever decide to go the muffin tin route again, i'm definitely going to buy cups in bulk!


  4. Birdy, that's cute! And tempting. I do think of quick breads (like pumpkin bread or zucchini bread) as the same as muffins, but I always stopped short of switching between muffin cups and bread pans because of baking times. Do your "muffin breads" take longer to bake than muffin cups?

  5. Heck yeah! Like we don't have enough washing to do already! :)

  6. The liners definitely make life easier. But - have you noticed that the muffins/cupcakes taste different without liners vs with? When you don't use the liners, I think (maybe) you get the "carmelized" exterior which adds depth of flavor.

  7. oukay, it's been so long since I felt like scrubbing muffin tins that no, I haven't noticed. But I should try it - thanks for the tip!

  8. Margo,
    yes, doing "muffin bread" takes a bit longer, but not much, and i think it's worth it. i make a double batch in an extra large baking dish and it cooks for about 30 min., that feeds myself and my seven nestlings. i really need to just go ahead and get another baking dish, so that i can have leftovers for evening snacks (my kids always seem to be starving right before bedtime, are yours?).

    i don't comment often, but i read here every day, and think you're doing a really wonderful job!


  9. Why do you bother washing your muffin tins? I haven't washed mine in a long time. Just wipe the worst of the crumbs quickly with a damp cloth and stow them in the cupboard for the next time. They eventually get nicely seasoned. Continuing on that note, I haven't washed my glass bread pans in 29 years. They too are beautifully seasoned. The bread fairly falls out.

    JJ's Aunt Valerie

  10. dear Valerie, I don't wash my metal bread pans EVER, so I don't know why I didn't think of that with the muffin tins! Thanks for the tip. I never heard of not washing glass, however, so I'm intrigued by that too. I didn't think glass could get seasoned like metal.


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