Saturday, February 5, 2011

Rebecca Herself

You asked to meet Rebecca because I quote her so often.  She is my on-call cooking, parenting, sewing, and sanity hotline.

Driving to the farm at dusk. . .

the winter sunset out her kitchen window. . .

the window over the kitchen sink. . . (the little stand on the right is laminated hymns - you can flip to a hymn with your soapy, wet hand and sing the whole thing as you work.  Made by the clever Amish).

We'll be friends forever.


  1. I want to hear MORE! The big windowsills and potted plants were a tease.

    Did you make the scarf she's wearing?

  2. She is pretty spectacular, it's true! (not that a cousin can be biased ;-)

    Isn't it wonderful to have such a friendship? What a blessing!

    Rebecca, your kitchen window is just lovely!

  3. I agree- Rebecca is my parenting, cooking & sewing inspiration too! And what beautiful photos!

  4. JJ, I did not, but Rebecca was inspired to make it after seeing one I made (blogged here:

  5. Wonderful to have such cherished friendships.
    Pleased to meet you Rebecca.

  6. I love the hymn flip-book. What a wonderful idea, and what a cozy home Rebecca has!

  7. I must have one of those flippy hymnals! Can't wait to see the farm in person one day.

  8. I can't believe I missed this post! Awwwwww....that Sim. I love her truly.


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