Monday, January 3, 2011

Mr. Thrift Cooks Sunday Dinner

I was working furiously on a skirt Saturday evening and muttering about cooking honey-baked lentils (recipe in More with Less) for Sunday dinner.  My husband overheard me and protested that he's not fond of honey-baked lentils - what?!  And so it came about that he cooked Sunday dinner.

He found this recipe and made it Saturday night - and washed the dishes - while I sewed.  I pretended that this was a typical Saturday evening at our house.

Sunday morning, he started a batch of whole wheat Italian bread in the borrowed bread machine.  When we got home from church, we discovered that the bread machine paddle had goofed up and gotten baked into the loaf.  Only the loaf's appearance was altered. 

So we ate lentil stew with feta (but not mint), fresh bread, and a green salad with poppyseed dressing.  Then I contributed gingerbread cookies with cheater Italian meringue and, for an old fashioned farmy touch, home canned peaches.  It was a delicious lunch. 

And I finished the skirt and wore it to church - come back for pictures sometime this week!


  1. What a guy! Can't wait to see the skirt.

  2. sweet. The recipe looks like a good one too!

  3. It'll be the day when Mr. Handsome CHOOSES to make lentils for a meal.

    Ever Hopeful

  4. Yay for thoughtful husbands who save the day, er, sewing project!

  5. I love a man who's at home in the kitchen....the meal sounds delicious.

    Can't wait to see your new skirt.

    florrie x


    And ok, I have to admit I was a little worried about the lentils, but then I read feta. Yum!

  7. My husband makes eggs. That is the limit to what he can do.You are a lucky woman. Can't wait to see your skirt.

  8. Good for Mr. Thrift!!

    Your meals are always so balanced and interesting and those cookies...mmmm!!!

    I like your Chesterton quote, too :-)

  9. Beth, Christian gave me that Chesterton quote!

  10. Love it! The lentil dish sounds yummy. I've been in the mood for cooked greens, so I might just try it.

  11. Way to go Husband of Thrift! Margo, I think you should sew and mutter on Saturday evening more often.


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