Monday, November 8, 2010


My mother spotted watercress in the creek near the cabin.
I snipped a big dishpan full. My family loves watercress, but I had only found it at market, not growing wild.

It tasted so good after all the hot dogs, bacon, Oreos, chips and soda.  Mom told me there is a spring on my dad's family farm where watercress grows; I want to get my dad to take me there.  I'm not obsessed with watercress - I just want to know these details about the family farm, about my dad.  Who knows what other stories a little jaunt like that could bring up?


  1. What a lovely memory your post has brought to my mind; from when I was quite small, I used to go to tea with my parents' friends, Aunt Elsie and Uncle Harry. They had a stream at the bottom of their garden where wild watercress grew, and I can so clearly see myself walking down with Uncle Harry to pick watercress; I can see the pattern on his jumper (sweater) so well. Thank you.

  2. I haven't had watercress in so long! My mom used to make a salad with watercress, hard boiled eggs and a mayo-based dressing. It was sooo good:-).

  3. I remember, as a child, a young friend and I played in the woods of her family farm day after day. We used to eat the watercress straight out of the spring where it grew plentifully just above the springhouse. I haven't had it since then. You should definitely take that walk with your dad.

  4. yes. get your dad to take you on that walk!

  5. Hooray for the time at the cabin, and what a great photo of you and your little girl!

  6. My parents planted watercress at their little farmette in southern Lancaster County in the 50's. We go back every spring to get some. (The current owners are okay with us doing this)We enjoy salads with watercress and also watercress sandwiches. MMmmmm!!! Fresh & spicy!

  7. Missi, that's so neat. I'm not sure I knew you could *plant* watercress. I thought it was just wild. . .


I enjoy the conversation in the comments - thank you for that. I will answer your questions here in the comments. Please note that I don't want the world wide web to know my family's surnames and location. Generic comments with links will be treated as spam and deleted.