Friday, November 26, 2010

"From the Hands of Your Earth"

This is the song, from our church hymnal, that has been running through my mind. So I set it to the few Thanksgiving pictures I snapped.
From the hands of your earth
and the lap of your sky,
your gifts are poured on us each day.
Your arms surround us with your care;
accept our love and thanks, we pray.
 - lyrics by Jean Janzen, a Mennonite poet

[baked butternuts, waiting to be scooped out for pie]

[always patched, always tasty] 

[dried out for the cornbread dressing - recipe in More with Less]

[turkey brining]

[turkey carcass turning into stock overnight in the crockpot]

So many blessings, so many undocumented and unnoticed.  Thank you, God, even for the blessings we can't name. . . "accept our love and thanks, we pray. . ."


  1. Amen! I couldn't have written it better myself.

  2. What a beautiful hymn! Our new hymnal is wonderful and has an incredible number and variety of hymns, but this one is new to me :-)


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