Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Summer Clearance

I stopped by CVS with Ben and after grabbing toothpaste and whatnot, we took a pass through the summer clearance section.

Buckets!  With shovels!  For FORTY NINE CENTS each.  I was so elated I splurged on some bubbles (marked down 75%, you know).

In the first photo, you can also see a little red bike in the distance.  That was spotted by my friend Kim with the trash at curbside one evening as we walked to get coffee with another friend.  It's a perfect little bike, so we happily trashpicked it.


  1. Great find re: red bike.

    Honestly, you guys just need to let go of summer and tell it to go south! We almost got it but then today has turned out to be really windy and rainy! :(

    Hope you've aired out your winter stuff and didn't find any pests!


  2. Wonderful finds! Ben's vest is cute, and I'm impressed that it's cool enough up there to wear one already. I'm contemplating attempting to sew a vest for my daughter this fall. Have you ever sewn coats for your children?

  3. Jacinta, my wool coats are out on the line as I type this!

    Punk, I've never tried it - your illustrious cousin has sewn a cape for Clara and I have plans to do one for G when she grows out of her current winter coat. Go over to LiEr at Ikat Bag (my sidebar) because she has been making plans to sew wool winter coats.

  4. Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out!


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