Saturday, September 18, 2010

First Time with the Potholder Loom

Recently Geneveive was asking me where fabric comes from and I ended up explaining the whole thing.  Then she told me she wanted to make some; I thought back to our dubious knitting lesson; then I thought back to the potholder loom that Aunt Shana gave her for Christmas. 

I was as excited as she was because I love these potholders, but neither of us had ever used the loom.  She may still be a bit young for it.

She couldn't quite manage the weaving by herself, but we talked about what it's like to learn a new skill and she plugged away.

Finished!  A birthday gift for Grandma.


  1. Oh! Oh! Oh! Fond memories... I made oodles of these as a child! What a great activity for a four-year-old! She did a great job, and she worked on improving her fine motor skills! Beautiful work, G.

  2. What sweet pictures of her intense concentration. I also have fond memories of making these pot holders on my little loom. About the knitting~ have you tried to show her how to do finger knitting? That may be easier to start with. I'm sure there are lots of tutorials online.

  3. I had one of those. Great little unit study you did there...explaining weaving, teaching weaving, making a gift from weaving! :-)

  4. Oh, how lovely, I'm sure grandma will be thrilled, what a clever little girl.
    florrie x

  5. And a new skill to be proud of! Her finished potholder is beautiful!

  6. What fond memories! When I was a youngun, a potholder loom was a typical Christmas gift for first graders. Dear Miss Pryer let me skip reading group to work out the border. G did a lovely job.

  7. what fun. I shall have to look into this for my other neice.

  8. It's beautiful Geneveive! You're only just beginning....and what a lovely beginning!! Can't wait to see what you make next!

  9. This would be the PERFECT gift for Miss Beccaboo. Thanks for the idea.

  10. I still use the potholder that one of my younger cousins gave me for Christmas twelve years ago. It's decidedly grungy, but I love it so.

  11. How lovely! I remember making potholders on a loom like this with my aunt and grandmother at the beach. So many lovely combinations, and something useful to be proud of :-) Love the photos!


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