Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Love

In this heart lies for you
A lark born only for you
Who sings only to you
My love
My love
My love

I am waiting for you
For only to adore you
My heart is for you
My love
My love
My love

- - -two verses of a song by Sinead O'Connor, sung by a quartet as my bridal processional. . .

Eleven years ago, today, wearing my mother's wedding dress, made for her in 1973 by my grandmother. . .

I stepped into marriage with my sweetheart.  And it has been deeply joyful and fun and very hard.  I am grateful to God for such a good man, for such a good marriage. . . for our children and the family we are making.

My first cousins, the girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, looking at a swan on the lake.  This is my favorite photo from our wedding.


  1. Happy anniversary. Your wedding dress was beautiful, and so is the photo of your cousins. I love the wreaths of flowers in their hair.

  2. How radiant and joyous! Such a beautiful bride! Those girls look like they're having a wonderful time!

  3. Congratulations!!
    Are you saving the dress for your daughter?

  4. I remeber this was such a fun day and to be part of your family (although being married to your brother is not all it's cracked up to wait that's every marriage. I'm very thankful for more good times than bad) has been such a joy to my life. thanks for sharing your photos and my you and you husband have another wonderful 11 years.

  5. I had that Sinead O'Connor song in my wedding too! It still gives me chills. Happy Anniversary. :)

  6. Happy wonderful to wear your mothers wedding look truly radiant and thoughtful.....the bridesmaids look like little princesses......

  7. How completely lovely!

  8. Jacinta, oh yes! It's a fairly simple, classic dress, so I do hope it gets worn again. But if not, it's still a family heirloom.

  9. What a lovely bride you were. What a beautiful tribute to the love and blessings that God has given you.

  10. Hey you! I love weddings. But I came to see this (even though the leftover pizza is probably burning in the oven now) because I've enjoyed getting to know YOU over these months, and I wanted to see what your special day was like. The day you started the insanity of family-making and lived to love it.
    So beautiful! You, your dress (I am jealous that you can do sleeveless; I could never - weird chunky upper arms that always had some hideous tan line mid-bicep), the simplicity, the sunny weather, the gorgeous shot of the young ladies swan-gazing.....

    Isn't marriage good? And not instinctively easy? I always am amazed at how much of it is learned goodness. And repetitively learned, at that. And so much grace.

    I'd love to write more, but I must rescue the pizza, and feed my children!


I enjoy the conversation in the comments - thank you for that. I will answer your questions here in the comments. Please note that I don't want the world wide web to know my family's surnames and location. Generic comments with links will be treated as spam and deleted.