Wednesday, August 11, 2010


One of my friends from church said, "hey, you want the second picking of the corn patch at my in-laws' house?  We got all we want.  You want it?"  Yes! I hate wasted food.

It occurred to me as I slung my bag on my shoulder, dressed in long sleeves and long skirt to avoid the corn-leaf-scratch, that I was gleaning, like Ruth from the Bible.  And I reflected on that, happily, through the long day of picking, hauling, blanching, cutting, bagging, and cleaning up.  I wondered if I also have something to share with someone, something for her to glean, even though I'm not a farmer with fields or even a garden.  The concept of gleaning seems to express Jesus pretty well, I think.

And guess what?  My friend's name is Naomi. . .the name of biblical Ruth's mother-in-law.  My husband is not named Boaz, just in case your mind went there. 

 I picked 8 dozen, some of which we ate for supper.

The husked ears, a bit small, not as pretty as the stuff on market.  So what?  I got all the bugs and spots off before I squirreled it away for winter.

Draining, after the plunge in icy water.  I've been stockpiling ice for a few weeks, getting ready for corn day.

Total yield:  55 cups (divided into 1.5, 2, and 3 cup containers)

I did have to make a 30 mile round trip to pick the corn. Cost at $.50/mile, the 2010 federal reimbursement rate, was $15. . . compare that to the going price for bulk corn $3/dozen, so $24, so yes, it was still cheaper to glean.


  1. My mind went "there" immediately.

    Our corn patch is going to waste, but the ears aren't even close to being as lovely as the ones you picked. The garden and me do NOT have a good relationship this summer.

  2. I'm AMAZED.....almost a pun there....well done you. I used to work on "the land" when my children were small, picking mostly soft summer fruits and apples......loved every minute of peaceful.
    florrie x

  3. Florrie, it was very peaceful. I didn't want my children to get lost in the cornfield, so my mom babysat them. No one talking to me. . . blue sky and sunshine. . .gathering food for my family. . . lovely.

  4. Dad and I didn't even try to grow sweet corn this year. We tried last year and didn't get one ear. The racoons got it all.

  5. Oh, I must agree, the concept of gleaning is, to me... quite beautiful. A perfect image of Jesus. Tonight I feel challenged to look for ways that I can share... letting others glean blessings from my life. Food for thought and prayer.

    Enjoy all of that beautiful corn!


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