Saturday, August 14, 2010

Consarned Tomatoes

They're finally done and amazingly, I can still eat them.  I got three baskets (also called a box, also called a half-bushel) for $4.50 apiece.  Very cheap.

I canned 21 quarts of whole tomatoes (I still have some jars left from last year).

I also made half a batch of pizza sauce (recipe in Simply in Season) that resulted in 9.5 cups for the freezer.  Here's a thrifty thing I do:  I don't make a lot of tomato sauce in the summer because it involves lots of heat and humidity to reduce it.  I want that heat and humidity in my house in the winter, so I use my whole canned tomatoes to make sauce then.

I canned 11 pints of salsa (Simply in Season) and 4 of them did not seal.  I wanted to hurl them against the neighbor's house.  But the next morning, I dredged out the salsa, heated the canner up again, used new lids and hallelujah, they sealed.  And the smidge that didn't go in the jars was very picante, just the way we like it, so I was consoled. 

A little.  Because I still had tomatoes ripening in the living room and I had met my desired tomato quota.  So I chunked up their butts, pureed them in the blender, and boiled them down for however long it took me to watch Dirty Dancing (inspired by this post and thinking of Patrick Swayze's death earlier this year) and work on the Klara Annabella.  I was giddily transported back to high school.  And that's the best thing I can say about the 6 cups of tomato sauce that resulted.

I almost gave up canning this week.  I'm not joking.  But the only thing I want to do yet is applesauce and that can wait until autumn.

Now, finally, let's talk about that apron I am wearing in these pictures.  I made it last summer just in time to can peaches.  The pattern is McCalls 2811 from the Retro Collection.  It's the perfect apron for canning because it covers me completely, has pockets, and lots of rick rack.  The border print and cherries are so bright and 1950s that I automatically feel clever and attractive.  (Thanks to my husband for the apron photos.)


  1. TOTALLY 1950s. That second picture...are you wearing makeup? Or is it the steamy kitchen that makes you look so rosy-cute?

  2. I would have loved more detail on what made you want to give up canning entirely and hurl jars of salsa.

  3. Oh, aren't you a beautiful maiden of the kitchen! I love the apron - so pretty! And, all those jars of canned tomatoes, it looks like you have all the tomato products you'll need this winter! I have only begun my canning season...I may feel like hurling jars at the end myself ; )

  4. well done margaret!!! now i have to buckle down for my canning extravaganza.....

  5. Your apron is beautiful! I'm mowing the yard this morning, then after Alex's nap my afternoon project is canning the first batch of tomatoes from our garden.

  6. JJ, no makeup. I don't put on makeup as an everyday thing. It was hotter-n-hell in my kitchen.

    Deanna Beth, I did corn on Monday all day, tomatoes on Tuesday all day and then tomatoes Wednesday and Thursday as well. It was hot. I was working alone (I've worked with friends in the past). Technically I didn't "need" to can because it wasn't my garden produce going to waste. I was keeping up with my other housework and also taught 2 classes this week. Even in a freer schedule, I don't do that much preserving in a week! It was a perfect storm, I guess, and hopefully won't be repeated. Now do you understand my tantrum?

  7. What a productive week you've had, and how delicious those tomatoes will be this winter!

    Love the apron - looks beautiful on you, too!

  8. You AMAZE me! Good work. I love the idea of waiting to make the sauce until winter, how perfectly logical.

    I love your apron and your kitchen.

  9. Yes, that would drive a saint to salsa hurling. My condolences.

  10. Loving that are such a busy bee....that sauce looks delicious.....can I come to your house for tea...yum!

  11. I admit. I looked up consarned on

  12. Yay for all that food preserved! You'll so enjoy it in the fall and winter! I'm jealous!

  13. Bro, I just assumed it was a cussword from our childhood. Is it really not?? I wonder what dictionaries say about it?? Oh the penalties for assumption, instead of information!

  14. I'm enjoying reading your posts. It makes me feel like I'm having tea with a friend. Love the apron - Rick Rack really does make a girl smile:)

  15. Oh, I need to make me a new apron! Yours is lovely!


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