Saturday, July 17, 2010

Our Favorite Summer Salad

Caprese salad.

 Pretty.  Simple.  Fantastically delicious.  Goes with any summer meal, even breakfast buttered toast.

This is the method I came across years ago.


  1. My mouth's watering just reading about it. I add a few drops of balsamic too. Thank goodness my kids don't like it because, you know, tomatoes are no good after they've been refrigerated so hubby and I need to eat the whole batch ourselves!

  2. Oh wow, this looks simple, delicious, cool and refreshing. I've been craving a good Caprese salad.

  3. There are tomatoes on the kitchen windowsill. Me thinks it's time to make some mozzarella.

  4. I'm still waiting for the first tomatoes to ripen! We're not even close to this salad yet. :(

  5. JJ, that is hard core.

    Deanna Beth, we have a few tomato plants in our back yard that just have blossoms - haven't even set on the fruit yet. We've been buying local tomatoes at market from smarter farmers!

  6. Sounds delicious, now if only I could be as industrious as JJ and make my own mozzarella. Fresh, homemade mozzarella is about as good as it gets, so maybe this is the inspiration I need!

  7. We have a local fresh goat's milk mozzarella that is fabulous (and expensive, alas). I had an idea to go to a cheesemaking class as a birthday gift, but then it just sounded hard. I don't know why - I usually like kitchen projects! Have you made mozz, Crys?

  8. Ahhhh that is absolutely almost too pretty to eat!!! I know what's going on my grocery list (the cheese) because I've got a bunch of freshly picked basil in the fridge and tomatoes ready to pick in the garden! I tried making mozz once, but didn't have much success.

  9. Yummm caprese salads always look so delicious and refreshing. Making me hungry ...

    (Thanks for stopping by!)


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